What is the Best Snake Repellent?

Snakes are an important part of our ecosystem. They provide pest control keeping populations of mice and rats down near humans and are an important prey item for numerous animals. However, that doesn’t mean that you want snakes in your yard. So you might want the best snake repellent. In this article, we ask: what is the best snake repellent to buy or make at home?

Considering Snake Behavior


The first thing to consider is a snake’s normal behavior. Snakes are by nature, rather secretive. They don’t like to announce their presence. There are two reasons for this. One is their hunting style. Most are ambush predators, calmly waiting in place for a prey item to come close before they pounce.

The second is that they are a prey item for numerous predators. Opossums (Didelphidae) are known to prey on at least 12 different species of snakes, some of which are venomous. Other predators include birds, boars, mongooses, foxes, raccoons, and other snakes. By hiding, they can avoid eating.

Most people can walk right past a snake in hiding and not know about it. The best snake repellent for homes is, therefore, able to reach a wide area. Yet at the same time, you must ensure that they aren’t harmed so they can continue to perform their ecological duties.

What is the Best Snake Repellent?

The most effective snake repellent must have several features. It must be good for nature, safe for pets, and not harm the snake. And you will probably want a good snake repellent suitable for several different species. Luckily, snakes seem to have the same dislikes, so the best copperhead snake repellent will not just work for copperheads (agkistrodon contortrix) but it will also work for corn (pantherophis guttatus), rattle, and western hognose (heterodon nasicus) snakes.

So what’s the best snake repellent? Here are some of the top options.

1. Garlic Spray


Garlic spray is often considered a great homemade snake repellent. To create a garlic spray, add a head of garlic with a quarter cup of water into a blender. Blend the mix and then add in 1-2 cups of neutral oil. Blend the mixture again. After a few minutes of sitting, you should have a garlic oil you can spray.

Using this spray in areas where snakes could be will be a deterrent as they don’t like the smell. However, there are a couple of issues. To get enough snake repellent for your yard, you would need a lot of oil and garlic. And the rain will wash it away.

Another option is to use clove and cinnamon in a spray. Again there are concerns that it would take an excessive amount to repel a snake and it would wash away as soon as it rained.

2. Lemongrass

Planting lemongrass around your property is the best snake repellent for yard spaces if you want to use plants. Lemongrass is a plant that emits an odor that snakes don’t like and will avoid. The smell is also known to deter other pests in the garden like ticks and mosquitoes.

As ticks can be particularly troublesome for pets, lemongrass is often cited as the best snake repellent safe for dogs.

3. Guinea Fowl

One of the best natural snake repellents for those with largest spaces is guinea fowl. The guinea fowl is a territorial bird that will defend against all kinds of intruders, including snakes and rats. Guinea fowls are also an excellent source of eggs and food, so they serve a dual purpose.

Several guinea fowl on a property will spend a lot of their day patrolling the grounds and searching for food. They’re also great fun.

4. Mother in Laws Tongue

snake plant

If you’re looking for the best natural snake repellent, then mother in law’s tongue, otherwise known as the snake plant, is an option. The succulent has sharp leaves but can be grown in pots or on the ground. In some areas of the US, it can be grown outside year-round and requires only a few minutes of maintenance every three-four days to water it.

The plant affects snakes not through an odor, like others on the list, but because it affects the snake’s senses. Therefore, they prefer to stay away from the plant.

5. Envirobug

The best ultrasonic snake repellent is Envirobug. It emits vibrations into the ground that mimic the movements of a large predator that snakes will stay away from. Therefore, snakes will avoid an area with at least one or two Envirobugs in them.

With some of the best snake-repellent reviews online, the small device can be used on properties of any size. More devices will be needed for large properties, but smaller properties can also be protected. What is great about this product is that it is friendly to pets and children, who will not realize it is being used.

Another advantage is that they require little maintenance, and the solar-powered version requires

no maintenance. And an odor can sometimes irritate those with sensitive noses.

6. Fox Urine

Foxes are one of the biggest predators of snakes. And if there are foxes in your area, there is usually an outdoor sports shop that will have a supply of fox urine you can buy. Spread the fox urine around the garden and you will be able to keep snakes away.

Fox urine does smell and the odor will disappear when it rains.

What is the Best Snake Repellent on the Market?

There are numerous options when it comes to choosing the best snake repellent for your property. However, the best options are those that won’t be affected by the weather or harm the environment/pose a risk to pets. That is why an ultrasonic option is usually one of the best options. However, this can also be used in conjunction with other options like plants and natural predators in your yard.

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