Snake Babies: Do Snakes Lay Eggs?

There are more than 3,971 snake species world wide, and 150 in North America. They cover a range of ecological niches and have different adaptations that make them interesting. However, one of the most confusing aspects is whether snakes lay eggs or not. In this article, we ask: do snakes lay eggs, and other related questions.

Do Snakes Lay Eggs or Give Birth?

snake eggs

Many snakes have developed specific traits to hunt, protect themselves from predators and help their species to survive. Some adaptations are obvious, for example, venom glands and color patterns.

However, how snakes reproduce can be more secretive. Snake reproduction can be just as complex as any other species. Do all snakes lay eggs? No, while some snakes lay eggs, there are others that ‘give birth’. And both of these adaptations can be seen in several species in North America.

About 70% of snake species are known to lay eggs. The remaining 30% of snakes will give birth to live young, a process known as viviparous.

How Do Snakes Lay Eggs?

A snake will mate at a particular time of the year, normally in the early Spring to Early Summer. After this, a female snake that lays eggs will develop those eggs inside her. She will often feed for a couple of weeks after mating and then stop feeding for two to three weeks before laying.

The time between not eating and laying eggs will depend on the species. The female will also have a shed before laying her eggs. For some species, the period between the shed and the lay can be seven days, however, some species can take a month.

Where do Snakes Lay Eggs?


A snake looking to lay eggs will try to find a suitable area where the eggs can develop. She will need a spot that maintains a consistent temperature and humidity. Therefore, they normally look for burrows or holes. Rodent burrows are often good spots. However, it is not unknown for snakes to use leaf litter piles, abandoned buildings, and other locations.

When the snake is ready, she will lay the eggs in a clump.

What do Snake Eggs Look Like? How Big are Snakes Eggs?

Snake eggs are normally white in color and elongated or round. They tend to feel leathery to the touch. They are not hard like a chicken’s egg. Snakes sometimes lay infertile eggs, these are eggs that have developed but are not viable and will never hatch. These are often more yellow, more squishy and if left untouched will go moldy and smell foul.

The size can depend on the species of the snake. Though the average is between one and one-and-a-half inches long.

How Many Eggs Do Snakes Lay?

Numerous species of snakes that lay eggs, and each one can lay a different number of eggs. For example the corn snake (pantherophis guttatus) will produce about 10-12 eggs, but the California kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae) will lay approximately nine eggs a season.

However, these are averages. The corn snake can lay as few as two and as many as 34 eggs. Some species are also known to double-clutch, where they lay one clutch early in the season and then a second towards the end of the season.

What Snake Lays Eggs?


There are numerous snake species that lay eggs in the United States. Most colubrids lay eggs which cover most of the species that people will come across in the region. King snakes, rat snakes, hognoses and bull snakes are all species that lay eggs.

When people find a clutch, they often ask how long it takes for snake eggs to hatch. The time to hatch will depend on the species, temperature and size of the egg. Most species take about two months, but some can take longer or hatch earlier.

How many snakes are in one egg? Each snake egg usually has just one hatchling in it. Though it is not unheard of for some eggs to have twins. Twins are usually smaller than their siblings and can also be picked on by others.

How do Snakes Give Birth? How do Snakes Have Babies?

Like other species, snakes are able to give birth. The reproduction process is usually the same, except the female snake will retain the young inside her for longer, normally between three and four months.

Then the mother snake will find a secluded spot and try to give birth.

How Many Babies Do Snakes Have?

baby snake

The average number of babies a live-bearing snake produces depends on the species. Some species produce between 10 and 80 babies. However, others can produce very low numbers, like 5 to 10.

The size of the female and how well she has fed recently can play an important part in the number of young she produces.

How to Keep Snake Babies Away from your Yard

The sight of lots of babies might terrify lots of people. Yet they are an important part of the US ecosystem, keeping the number of rodent pests under control. Therefore, those who don’t want to have snakes lay eggs or give birth on their property should consider natural ways to deter this.

One option is to remove good egg laying areas from the property. When clearing leaves from a property, ensure that they are removed before a snake can use them. Another option is to ensure that there are no undisturbed areas of the property that might be warm and humid for the snakes.

Finally, consider using an ultrasonic deterrent like EnviroBug which emits vibrations that make snakes believe predators are nearby, so they vacate the area. If they don’t feel safe they won’t lay their eggs or have babies.


Snakes are a complicated species with North American species able to lay eggs and give birth. If you’re not looking to have baby snakes on your property, you must understand snake reproduction and look for ways to make your property an undesirable location for females to lay eggs or give birth in.

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