Protecting yourself with Ultrasonic Snake Repellent

According to statistics, about 7000 snake bites occur in America yearly, with 10-40% of the bites causing long-term injuries.

America has one of the highest percentages of snakes in the world, with about 50 species of terrestrial snakes, and 10 of them are venomous like the Copperhead Snakes. This means people need to employ methods to protect themselves from snakes, and Ultrasonic Snake Repellers are popular and reliable.

Snakes prefer to avoid human contact


Snakes are often seen as aggressive venomous killers; however, that is not the case. Most snakes would avoid human contact and slither away rather than confront them.

But even as snakes and humans try their best to avoid each other, there are times when they might cross paths.

Self Defense?

Experts say that while the snake bites seem to result from the snake “Attacking,” most times, the snake is actually “Defending.”

In other words, most snake bites occur when a person attempts to interact physically, harm, or remove the snake.

People tend to be hostile towards snakes but you need to remember that killing a snake in America is a crime (unless it is in self-defense) so harming snakes is out of the question.

Best methods to repel Snakes

You can’t allow snakes to slither around your property as they please, putting you, your family, and your pets at risk. So, there are two known methods people use when controlling snake invasion.

  • Calling a professional snake catcher who would capture and later release the snake back to the wild.
  • Installing an Ultrasonic Snake Repellent (Solar or Battery powered).

Calling a professional snake catcher is a safe method to get rid of a snake safely from your property; however, there can be a considerable wait time and they can be very pricey.

That is why you should consider acquiring and installing a Snake Repeller in your home. Snakes Repellers provide 24-hour protection for your home and family.

Snake Repellers are quiet, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective and would give you much-needed peace of mind. More residents are turning to Snake repellents to protect their homes, and you should also do so.

snake caught

Ultrasonic Snake Repellers

So what are Snake Repellers and how do they work?

An Ultrasonic Snake Repeller is a device that emits short wavelength and high-frequency sounds at regular intervals.

Method of Operation

Humans have a low-frequency hearing threshold, much smaller than insects and animals such as cats, dogs, bats, and snakes. The ultrasonic repellents work by emitting ultrasonic wave frequencies ranging above 20,000Hz. Top-rated outdoor ultrasonic snake repeller for large areas mimic the footsteps of large animals, which deters snakes from approaching the vicinity of your home.

The Best UltraSonic Snake Repellers make use of the snake’s sensory biology to make them avoid your home without causing them physical harm. Ground snakes sense vibrations through their tongue and nervous system to navigate areas.

By emitting a specific set of vibrations at intervals, the Ultrasonic Snake repellent can trick the snake into thinking that there are large animals around the area. In turn, the snakes avoid the place.

It’s important that your repellers have variable frequencies so the snakes don’t become comfortable with a specific frequency.

There are two types of Snake Repellers:

  • Battery-powered UltraSonic Snake Repellents – This type of Ultra snake repellent requires DD batteries. They are extremely durable, they can last for several months, and they are easily replaceable, giving your home the 24- hour protection it needs.
  • Solar powered UltraSonic Snake Repellers – The solar-powered snake repeller charges its batteries in the sun. The solar-powered batteries can last for a few years.

You should build a flat surface around a location in your home; after finding a suitable area, you should dig the ground and insert the ultrasonic snake Repeller. Make sure the device is covered by covering it up with soil. You should install one at the front of your home and one at the back. An ultrasonic snake repeller plus other kinds of snake deterrents should help in protecting your household from snake encounters.


Snakes are relatively peaceful creatures and only attack if provoked, and they are also ecologically important since they control small pests and rodents. Naturally, with the snake density in America, it is not rare for residents to come in contact with the species.

With ultrasonic snake repellers, you can protect yourself and your family permanently without harming the snakes.

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