What Does Snake Poop Look Like?

Snakes, like other animals, do go to the toilet with pee and poo. This is often one of the few ways those hunting for snakes know when a snake has been nearby. And it is sometimes the first sign that a gardener will see a snake too. So if you want to keep your yard clear of snakes, find out what snake droppings look like.

Do Snakes Poop? How Often Does a Snake Poop?

Stay alert and keep your distance from dangerous brown snakes.

Snakes, like all animals, do poop. They have a very irregular pooping schedule, however. Snakes like to feed very irregularly, with many snakes feeding about once a week, or sometimes even less. Many snakes can go weeks or months without eating anything and survive well.

It is only after eating a meal that the snake will poop, usually between 48 hours and a week after a meal. And sometimes snakes will not poop after every meal but after every two or three.

Snakes will also often poop when they have had a shed. Baby snakes will shed about once every couple of weeks. Older snakes will shed every month to three months. Female snakes will also shed about one week to four weeks before they plan to lay some eggs.

As a last act during the shed, snakes will poop.

What Does Snake Poop Look Like?

Snake poop is varied. Plains Hognose (heterodon nasicus) has a rather splattered poop. Their poop can also be smellier than other snakes’ poop. The reason for this could be that the species is mildly toxic. They are rear-fanged and while they chew on their prey, which is usually amphibians, they release a toxin to subdue it.

It might be that the prey of the item might also affect their poop. However, the plain hognose is a popular captive pet snake and they are fed mice, but their poop is the same.

When nature calls, even snakes leave their mark. It's some snake poop!
Behold, some python poop. Credit: Nicole Pearce, Flickr – sydney_inquisitive

Though other snakes have poop that looks vastly different. For example, the corn snake (pantherophis guttatus) will have poop that is more like that left by a cat. That is why there are other elements that you must look at to determine whether you are looking at snake feces. If you think there is snake poop you can always compare it online with snake poop images.

How do Snakes Poop? Where do Snakes Poop From?

Snakes poop in the same way that other animals do. When they need a poop, they will simply find a spot and just poop.

Do Snakes Pee?

A snake near water

Snakes also pee like most reptiles but their pee tends not to be wet. Instead, snake pee is deposited in a drier form known as a urate. Urates are normally white and chalky as they are completely dry. Unlike humans and other mammals, most of the moisture is removed from the urates so the reptile can retain it.

Reptiles are very good at maintaining moisture. This is an evolutionary result of surviving the Permian-Triassic Extinction event where the earth went through a very dry period. Animals that could retain most of their moisture, fared better. Reptiles were one of those species.

It also means that reptiles can survive long periods without drinking. This is why reptiles can often be found in very hot and dry environments, where other animal groups struggle to survive.

How do Snakes Pee?

Snakes will pee the same way that they poop. They often do both at the same time, but there are times when they might urate extra. Especially if they’ve drunk a lot recently but been unable to eat a meal.

Urates will often disappear before you see them as well. They are easily broken up by the weather and disappear.

Are Snake Droppings Safe?

There is limited risk to human health from snake droppings or poop. If you do think that you’ve found some, you can use a small dog poop bag to remove it or, you can dig it into the ground if you prefer. Snakes are very good at digesting everything from their meal. The bones, hair, and other materials will be digested. Most mammals and birds are unable to digest like this.

What do Snake Droppings look like Compared to Other Poop?

Snake poop

What does snake dropping look like compared to other animal poop? That is a good question. It can be hard to determine the difference between snake poop and other animals. One consideration is whether or not you can see any urate. The white powdery substance is snake wee and gives away that a reptile, if not a snake, has made the poop.

You might also want to look for a shed. This is another giveaway that the snake has made a mess.

You can also tell if another animal has made the mess. If there is any hair or undigested material in the poop, then it is not a snake. Likewise, if there is a lot of poop, around an area then you are most likely dealing with a mammal. Snake poop is often very small. They will poop about the amount a cat does in one sitting once a week or less frequently. If there is a lot of poop in the area, a mammal has chosen the spot as a toileting area.

How to Deter a Snake from Pooping in your Yard

If you do suspect that you have snake poop and want to discourage the snake from returning, then there are measures you can take. For one, you can deter the snake from your yard. Envirobug is one of the most effective options because it will send out vibrations in the ground that will mimic snake predators. Snakes poop only when they feel safe and comfortable (or directly threatened).

Sensing what they think is a predator nearby will force them to relocate.

Another option is to ensure there are no ideal locations for a snake to hide. Snakes rarely poop in the open. They often find a secluded spot in a yard or area. This is why you are not likely to see the poop unless you’re doing a major clearout.

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